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Meet the Team

Hugo Tomazeti


Lesley Wimmer

Client Services Manager



Intercultural specialists

Carrie Pemberton Ford

Esohe Aghatise

Afua Yeboah


Migration and Integration

Carrie Pemberton Ford


Religious Literacy

Dr Susan Ware


Gender Audit and Leadership Training

Carrie Pemberton Ford


General Trainings

Hugo Tomazeti – Spanish and portuguese training


Cultural Awareness inclusion Recruiting, Developing and Enhancing Talent

Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford
 Afua Yeboah  (Gender, BAME)

Expert Witness work – Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford
(North, West and Central Africa, Eastern Europe)

Dr Bonnie Ling   Asia, Vietnam, Thailand.


SDG realisation - Vision 30

Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford 

Hugo Tomazeti