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Inclusion is the new comprehensive term which is currently being deployed in business and government to incorporate understandings of diversity, equality and the removal of systemic boundaries which have effectively excluded people because of their ethnicity or race, gender, sexuality, disability, or other culturally reinforced ‘othering’.  Inclusive businesses and organisations are committed to generating recruitment, promotional pathways, executive representation, and client/customer delivery in a way which promotes equal access and opportunities for all.

The seven pillars of Inclusion have been designed for a number of public facing organisations to assist in promoting a form of sustainable inclusion and end systemic discrimination and intolerance in all aspects of public life, in civic, business, educational, medical, and religious realisations.

7 Pillars focuses on habits, the things we do, that either enable inclusion or don’t. By identifying these habits, we can begin to make changes that enable and promote inclusion. In this way the 7 Pillars provide a starting point for achieving diversity and can be used to address the ‘how to’ of achieving inclusion.